The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
- It is the “most noble of all solemnities” and “there is to be only one celebration in each church.”
- “The entire celebration of the Easter Vigil must take place during the night, so that it begins after nightfall and ends before daybreak on the Sunday.”
The Lucernarium
- A fire is prepared outside the Church in a suitable place where the faithful may gather.
- The Priest celebrants begins with the Sign of the Cross and the customary greeting and then gives the introduction: “Dear brethren (brothers and sisters, on this most sacred night . . .”
- Blessing of the Fire
- Priest – “Let us Pray”
- Priest – “O God, who through . . .”
- Preparation of the Candle
- Cuts or traces a cross with a stylus on the Candle
- Makes the Alpha and Omega signs (or traces them)
- Inscribes the Year (or traces over the numbers)
- The words for each action are listed clearly in the Roman Missal
- May also insert incense grains in the form of a cross while saying the accompanying words.
- The Priest lights the Pascal Candle from the new fire saying: “May the light of Christ rising in glory dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.”
- Procession
- The thurifer precedes the Priest/Deacon carrying the Pascal candle.
- The processional cross and candles are not carried.
- The Priest, accompanying ministers and the faithful in procession carry unlit candles.
- At the door of the Church
Priest/Deacon: “The Light of Christ” (Lumen
Christi). The people respond: “Thanks be to God”(Deo Gratias).
At this point the Priest/Celebrant lights
his candle from the Pascal Candle.
- Middle of the Church
Priest/Deacon again sings the invocation
All light their candles from the Pascal
- Standing before the Altar
Priest/Deacon again sings the invocation
ii. Pascal Candle is placed in a stand by the Ambo
or in the middle of the Sanctuary
All lights, except the Altar Candles, are
lit throughout the Church
The Exsultet – Easter Proclamation
The chant tone is the same, but take note, the
translation has changed
The Priest/Celebrant places incense in the
thurible, blesses it and the Deacon approaches to receive a blessing. If the person singing the Exsultet is not a Deacon, the blessing
is omitted.
The Deacon incenses the Book (Roman Missal) and
the Pascal Candle while all stand with lighted candles
If a lay person sings the Exsultet – the words “Therefore,
dearest friends” up to the end of the invitation are omitted, along with
the greeting “the Lord be with you.”
Easter Vigil –
Liturgy of the Word
- Nine readings are provided, seven from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament.
- Where serious pastoral circumstances demand it, the number of readings from the Old Testament may be reduced.
- At least three readings from the Old Testament must be done (with their accompanying Psalms).
- The reading from Exodus 14 must be done
- Candles are set aside and the people are seated (before the Readings take place).
- Priest/Celebrant instructs the faithful, “Dear brethren (brothers and sisters), now that we …”
- Each Reading in the Old Testament has an accompanying Psalm as well as an accompanying Prayer after the Reading.
- The people stand for the Prayer after the Reading
- After the Priest/Celebrant has said the Prayer after the last reading from the Old Testament the following takes place:
- The Altar Candles are lit
- The Gloria is intoned
- Bells may be rung during the Gloria
- The Priest/Celebrant prays the Collect in the usual way.
- The lector reads the Epistle
- All stand in the Church
- The Priest solemnly intones the Alleluia three times
- The Psalmist/Cantor proclaims Psalm 118 with Alleluia as the response
- Incense may be used during the Gospel – candles are not carried or used for the Proclamation of the Gospel.
- Homily
Blessing of the Water
- Priest/Celebrant goes to the Baptismal Font (if in or near the Sanctuary) and the Catechumens are called forward with their godparents.
- If there is a procession to the Baptismal Font it forms (if the font is not in the Sanctuary)
The Pascal Candle is carried to lead the
The Litany of Saints is sung during the
The address “Dearly
beloved . . .” would be said before the Blessing of Water
- There are two options given for the blessing of the font – depending on whether or not there are catechumens to be baptized.
- The Litany of Saints is chanted/sung
- All stand for the Litany
- If there are catechumens, please insert “Bring these chosen ones to new birth through the grace of Baptism.”
- Be mindful – the responses in the Litany have changed
Lord, deliver us, we pray (used to
be “Lord, save your people”)
Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer
(used to be “Lord hear our prayer)
- Following the Litany – if there are Catechumens – the Priest says “Almighty ever-living God, be present . . .”
- Blessing of Baptismal Water
- “O God, who by invisible power . . .”
- Be mindful that the rubric says: “And, if appropriate, lowering the paschal candle into the water either once or three times”
- People’s response can be recited or sung to an appropriate setting
- If no one is to be baptized – the Ritual found at #54 is used
Rite of Baptism
- The Rite of Baptism takes place as found in the Roman Ritual
- See RCIA – Celebration at the Easter Vigil of the Sacraments of Initiation and the Rite of Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church (pg 361ff).
- Renunciation of Satan
- Anointing with the Oil of Catechumens
Many parishes do this Holy Saturday morning
following the rehearsal with the catechumens.
If it has not been done previously, it is done
here before the triple Profession of Faith.
- Triple Profession of Faith
If a small group – each catechumen should be
asked individually using their name
If a large group – may ask them communally
The Congregation may also renew their faith at
this time (cf. #55)
1. Reception
of Candidates would then take place immediately following baptism.
2. Confirmation
would take place immediately after baptism.
- Baptism takes place once all in the group have made the triple profession of faith.
Immersion - Immersion means to be standing or
kneeling immersed in the water, not necessarily going “under” the water (submersion). [or]
Water is poured over their head
If a large number are to be baptized –
concelebrating priests and deacons may assist with the baptisms
- An Acclamation can be chanted/sung after each Baptism
- Anointing with Chrism
- Presentation of the White garment
Many of the catechumens wear white robes – this
can substitute for the garment
If not wearing a white garment – present them
with the symbolic cloth
- Presentation of the Baptismal Candle
- Ephphetha (this act is omitted for infants)
Rite of Confirmation
- The Ritual states that the Priest/Celebrant should “at once administer the Sacrament of Confirmation” to those newly baptized.
- Many times the newly baptized have been immersed and need to change clothes
- The RCIA ritual inserts the public renewal of Baptismal Promises and the Rite of Reception before Confirmation.
- The Ritual does direct the celebrant to follow the Roman Pontifical or Roman Ritual
Public Renewal of
Baptismal Promises
- The Ritual states that this is omitted if the Congregation joined the catechumens in the Renewal of their baptismal promises (Roman Missal, #55).
- “Dear brethren (brothers and sisters), through the Pascal Mystery . . .”
- Renunciation of Sin
- Triple Profession of Faith
- Sprinkling with Holy Water
- From the Baptismal Font
- Concelebrating priests and deacons may assist in the blessing
- An appropriate song or chant accompanies the blessing
- “And may almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who . . .”
Celebration of
- While the newly baptized are processing to the Sanctuary or preparing to process to the Sanctuary for their Confirmation – the Celebrant calls the Candidates forward to make their profession.
- “N. and N., of your own free will you have asked . . .”
- The candidates read (together their Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church)
- I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.
- Celebrant receives the candidates: “N., the Lord receives you into the Catholic Church. His loving kindness . . .”
- If a candidate is not to be confirmed – then the Celebrant recites the above prayer while placing his hand on the candidate’s head.
Rite of Confirmation
- The newly baptized and those who were received stand before the Celebrant while he gives them a brief instruction in these or similar words: “My dear candidates for Confirmation, by your baptism you have been born again in Christ . . .”
- Celebrant addresses the Congregation: “My dear friends, let us pray to God . . .”
- Laying on of Hands
- The Celebrant and any assisting priests who will be administering the Sacrament of Confirmation hold their hands outstretched over the people.
- If only the celebrant will be administering Confirmation – only he holds his hands outstretched.
- “All powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by water . . .”
- Administering the Sacrament
- Candidates approach the bishop with their sponsor/godparent
Place their right hand on the shoulder of the
N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy
Spirit. Response: Amen
Peace be with you. Response: And
with your Spirit.
- Newly confirmed return to their place in the assembly
Following Sacraments
of Baptism and Confirmation
- The Creed is omitted
- Universal Prayer (General Intercessions)
- Offertory Procession
- Newly baptized should take part
- Preface I of Easter
- The insert “on this night above all . . .”
- Eucharistic Prayer
- Insert for EP I: “Celebrating the most sacred night of the Resurrection . . .”
- Remember also to use the insert for Conferral of Baptism for EP I – IV – found in the Roman Missal – Ritual Masses #3 (page 1127).
The Rite of Baptism insert includes an option
for Confirmation as well.
I recommend typing it up separately and putting
it in the Missal
The Roman Missal tells you the proper place for
the insert
- Before Communion the Celebrant may instruct those making their First Communion
- Solemn Dismissal with the intonation of the Alleluia
With courtesy of
Fr. Brian King
Diocese of
Palm Beach
பதிலளிநீக்குThat's interesting! Can you please share more about it? Thank you.
Catholic Baptism Gifts