What is Heresy?

The Greek word ‘Hairesis’ originally meant a sect and the word thus came to mean the teaching of particular group as distinct from the teaching of the church at large.

Heresy in full sense, implying the rejection of a doctrine known certainly to be of faith by one who sees himself as willing to accept the authority of a revealing in other matters, appears somewhat unrealistic and psychologically improbable.

There have been many heresies in the history of the church: what follows is a brief list of those which have had the greatest impact on the church’s life.

1. Arianism:

In AC B.C an Egyptian Priest named Arius (336 B.C) taught that in the trinity, the son of God is a creature, and that there was a time when the son was not. Economical council condemned arius and proclaimed that Father & Son are humousios, that is , of one being .

2. Nestorianism:

Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople (428-431) was accused by Cyril of Alexandria of having so emphasized the distinction between the divine and human in Christ and that he had considered the human in Christ and the divine son of god to be two persons. The Third Economical council, E Phesus (431) Condemned Nestorius. But it led to the next heresy Monophysitism.

3. Monophysitism:

Nestorius had separated the human & divine too much. But Eutyches eliminated the distinction, claiming that there were two natures before the incarnation of the son but only one nature after it. It is called Monophysis. But council of Chalcedon condemned both in 451 and taught that Christ is one person with two natures, one human and one divine.

4. Heresy of John Wycliffe:

The major heresy of the 14th C was that initiated by John Wycliffe, who adopted Berengaria’s Eucharistic position concerning the permanence of bread and wine after consecration and propounded questionable doctrine concerning the church and the ownership of property.

5. Protestantism:

It is principally on the dogmas of justification, predestination and sacra mental theology that the reformers departed from orthodox belief. It demands that the Bible is the sole source of faith to the rejection or neglect of tradition.

6. Deism:

This heresy is made Voltaire. He is the father of this heresy. He says that there is no link between God and man.

7. Liberal – Protestantism:

In this heresy lutur says, “anyone can interpret scripture on its own”. That is to say he can interpret based on the reflection he gets. They slowly rejected the importance of scripture. They limited the scripture into human understanding.

8. Hegelian pantheium:

According to this heresy, world is the mixture of thesis and anti-thesis. It is not distinction from divine reason. Human reason can known anything that is reason for them. It is the problem of intellectualism.

9. Americanism:

By the end of the 19th C the term ‘adaption’ meant a dangerous tampering with the faith, as is witnessed in the so – called heresy of Americanism. Isaac T. Hecker extolled the activity virtues (humanities, democratic fellowship) to the depreciation of passive virtues. (Subjection to, authority humility).

10. Phantom heresy:

Leo XIII cautioned against this heresy and these active and passive virtues and by referring to them as Americanism with the implication that they were widespread, created what F. Klein called a Phantom heresy.

11. Gnosticism:

Gnos means knowledge according to this heresy, knowledge alone. Christ who has appeared on earth is not a Messiah, he is a teacher who is sent from heaven to teach or deliver a saving doctrines.

12. Marcionism:

This heresy says that god of old testament is a demiurge. It means God is a being like any one being which has an extra power to create.

13. Manichaeism:

This heresy says that the world is evil. They looked upon the material work as the darkness of the prison. They don’t accept the Body. For them body is an evil and world is a prison.

14. Montasticium:

According to this heresy, the fullness of spirit had not been communicated through Christ and the apostles but only through monatus. Whatever is powerful more than the human beings or in the world is called monatus.

15. Eunomisticism:

This heresy says that God can be perfectly known by human mind that is God can be restricted by man.

16. Lutheranism:

In the place of transubstantiation Luther defended consubstantiation in which Christ becomes present in the substance of the element not hypostatically, but in a transcendent through real manner.

17. Baianism:

Baius’s fundamental tenet was God’s creation of man in a state of natural integrity, so that after the fall all his action were not motivated by a nature vitiated towards concupiscence and thus evil to God. It was condemned by Pius V on October 1, 1567.

18. Laxium:

The theory of probabilism (It is licit to act on a probable opinion even through the opposite is more probable) was accepted and taught by the Jesuits, and attacked by Jansenist Blaise Pascal in his “Letters provincials (1657) as dangerous casuistry. It was condemned by Alexander VII on September 24, 1665.

19. Caesarium:

State interference in the affairs of the church was much more significant than the ancient Byzantine Casesaro – Papism or the pope – king quarrels of the Middle Ages. Europe Christians communities no longer a part of Catholicism, opposition of monarches to Rome not only politics but also Principal of faith.

20. Anglicanism:

Anglicanism is the Erastian idea of the state ascending over the church in ecclesiastical matters took hold in the west ministry Assembly (1643) and in the ideal secularization of the church as conceived by Thomas Hobbes.

21. Gallicans Liberties or Gallicanism:

Gallican came to a crisis when Louis XIV attempted to extend the regalia roya (right to the revenues of vacant sees). Louis XVI adopted the four Gallicans Articles of 1682. These were conciliarist and limited the exercise of papal primacy to the customs of the French Church these articles became a formula of Anti – Romanism.

22. Febronianism:

In Germany, the suffrage bishop of trier, Johann Nikolaus Von Hontheim, under the pen name of Justinus Febronius, attacked Roman Power as compared to Papal primacy and as founded upon the False Decretals and advocated an ecclesiastical order that was regulated as much as possible by Episcopal and civic control. Celement XIII had condemned Febronianism in 1764.

23. Josephinism:

Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II, whose toleration Edict of 1781 supressed certain religious order, placed exempt monasteries under diocesan control and required civic authorization for the publication of papal documents. It was condemned by Pius VI in the bull “Auctorem Fidei”, August 28, 1794.

24. Pelagianism:

Pelagius claimed that human beings can discipline themselves so effectively that they could be saved by their own free will, independent of divine grace. St. Augustine defected pelegianism saying, that human nature is caused by original sin and we are born damned, unable to do anything perfectly good. God chooses to give his grace to those whom he has chosen to save, and God knew before he created the world whom he would save.

25. Iconoclasm:

The Eastern Church had a long tradition of venerating icons, that is, images of God, Christ, Mary and the saints. Theoretically, the icons were supposed to point beyond themselves to the person they portrayed, but inevitably some were venerated. The seventh Economical Council, Nicea II (787) defended the veneration of icons and condemned iconoclasm.

26. Catharism:

The cathars considered the union of the body and soul to be a “mixed state” (Good and Evil) caused by the devil. They rejected Christ’s incarnation, marriage, the resurrection of the flesh, and even the eating of animal products. They moved on to reject the sacraments and the doctrine of hekk. The twelth economical council, Lateran IV condemned the cathars in 1815.

27. The kultur kampf and old Catholics:

In the 19th C Caesarism appeared in the anti – Romanian of chancellor ottovon Bismark. His Kultur Kampf oppressed the Church, interfered in its education processes, limited its disciplinary power by the May Law (1873) and exiled religious orders.

28. Traditionalism:

Some Catholic Theologians proposed theories of traditionalism, placing the norms of human certified in the “Sens Common” rather than in distributed individual intellectual ability. For traditionalist God is the first object of our intelligence, established as type of optimistic rationalism. But George Hegal and Friedrich Schelling proposed that it was within human power to deduce the mysteries of the trinity and incarnation.

29. Jan Hus:

The Cather’s heresy had social overtones that of Jan Hus had national ones. Hus became acquainted with the teaching of John Wycliffe, who had argued that only Clergy in the state of grace could own property and that the civil authority could deprive clergy not in that state of their property. Hus argued against clerical immorality and misuse of power.

30. Jansenism:

Cornelius Jansen wrote a book called Augustinus. It emphasized the need for a special and irresistible grace was from God for salvation. Since this grace was irresistible, the over tones of Jansenism were both predestinationist and deterministic. Celement XII condemned Jansenism in 1713.

31. Adoptionism:

It is 18th century Spanish heresy which held that as god, Christ was by nature truly son of god, but, as man, only God’s adopted son.

32. Agosticism:

In Greek it means ‘not knowing’. According to this heresy we cannot know anything with certainty about God, the other world and the after life.

33. Albigensianism:

It is a medieval heresy by Albi. It understood redemption as the soul’s liberation from the flesh, dismissed matter as evil, the Scaraments and the resurrection of the body. In 1215 the heresy was condemned at the Fourth Lateran Council.

34. Apollinarianism:

It is an Christological heresy from a bishop of Laodices, Apollinarius (310-390) intent on defending christ’s full divinity against the Arians, he undercut his full humanity by holding that Christ had no spirit or rational soul, this being replaced by the divine logos.

35. Binitarianism:

It is the heretical denial of the Holy Spirit’s divinity and belief that there are only two persons in God.

36. Docetism:

The early heresy which held the son of God merely seemed to be human being. Christ bodily reality was considered heavenly or else a body in appearance.

37. Ebionitism:

It is the heresy of an ascetic group of Jewish Christians in the first and second centuries. They considered jesus to be the human son of mary and Joseph, a mere man on the spirit decended at Baptism.

38. Eutychianism:

Heresy associated with Eutyches(378). He saw Jesus in “Mono – Physite” view. He denies that Christ also has a human nature like ours. It was condemned in 448 at a home synod in Constantinople.

39. Monarchianism:

A term coined by Tertullian. It is a heretical belief that so stressed the unity of God as to deny a true divine son with a distinct existence.

40. Monotheletism:

It means one will. The heresy which maintained that Christ, despite his having a human nature, lacked a human will and possessed only one (divine) will.

41. Modalism:

The heresy that so stressed the divine unity as to deny “Father”, “son” and “spirit” are personally distinct. They are only three manifestations or ways in which the one god is revealed and acts in creation and redemption.

42. Modernism:

The only heresy which has had significance for twentieth century Roman Catholics is Modernism. The Modernists accepted the advance in biblical exegesis and church history taken for granted by liberal protestants. The Christ of History is thus less than important to know whether he instituted a church, since the Holy spirit guides its progress. In 1907 Pius X condemned the Modernists.

43. Pantheism:

It means “All (is) God”. Doctrine identifies God with the universe. Some interpret the divine in natural terms (naturalistic Pantheism) and others interpret in divine terms, (emanationistic Pantheism). Pantheism can also be seen as a form of imprisoned theism. The first Vatican council condemned it.

44. Patripassianism:

It means “suffering of the father”. This term is coined by Tertullian. He mocked as having driven out the spirit and crucified the father. Another modalist, Noetus asserted that it was the father who had been born and suffered on the cross.

45. Unitarianism:

It is really a modern heresy, developed by Martine Cellarius, Michael Servetus and Faustus Sozzini. It rejected the divinity of the son, and Holy spirit and accepts only one divine person.

46. Zwinglianism:

This heresy is initiated by Ulrich Zwingli. They rejected the authority of the pope.

Albert Pushparaj

I Year Theology

Good Shepherd Seminary, Coimbatore

Towards divorced people

The church as Mater ET Magistra

Towards divorced people

What is marriage?


is that relationship between man and woman

in which the independence is equal,

the dependence is mutual,

and the obligation is reciprocal.

---Louis K. Anspacher.

A successful marriage

Requires falling in love many times,

Always with the same person.

-- Mignon Mc. Laughlin.

What does the Church say about Marriage?

It is commonly said that marriages are made in heaven but lived on this earth.

In the Catholic Church Marriage has been held as a Sacred, Permanent and Sacramental union.

X God Himself instituted Marriage and confirmed it by His laws ( Gen 1:27-28 & 2:18-24)

X For the purpose of preventing unsuitable marriages, it can regulate marriages by its own laws. Thus the marriages of Catholics are governed not only by Divine Law but also by Canon Law.

X Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) ordained that Marriage should be celebrated in the Church.

X Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) wrote the first series of encyclicals on marriage: “Arcanum Divinae Sapientiae” on February 10, 1880. In it he provided the foundation for a new appreciation of married love.

Marriage Makers:

Ø Accepting oneself as he / she is.

Ø Nurturing Good Values

  1. Value of Appreciation
  2. Value of Team Work
  3. Value of Encouragement
  4. Value of Adjustment & Tolerance
  5. Value of Persistence & Effort
  6. Value of Discipline
  7. Value of Service
  8. Moral Value.

( The New Leader June 16-30, 2010.)

Marriage Breakers:

According to Civil Law under the Matrimonial causes Act of 1857

a) Wrong choice of partner: (later feeling of having been deceived)

b) Lack of sufficient preparation and guidance. ( Army man)

c) Dominant

d) Emotional deprivation due to neglect by partner.

e) Sexual incompatibility (psycho – sexual problems like homosexuality, lesbein

f) Serious physical and mental illness.

According to the Canon Law:

Diriment Impediments Kwpay; jilfs;

1) Non – age: குறைந்த வயது

i. c. 1083 Man-16 & Woman- 14

ii. Civil (Indian Child Marriage Restraint Act 1978 &1954) Man-21 & Woman- 18.

2) Impotence: பாலுறவு கொள்ளும் ஆற்றலின்மை

(C. 1084 & 1098) When he is unable to act sexual intercourse, based on cheating the marriage becomes invalid)

3) Previous bond: (முந்தைய திருமணம்;)

(C. 1085) If a person is married already and tries to marry once again then it is invalid. Because it is remarriage is invalid

4) Disparity of cult: (திருமுழுக்கு பெறாதவரோடு திருமணம்;)

A marriage between a catholic and an unbaptised person is invalid, unless the bishop dispenses from impediment. (C. 1086)

5) Sacred Orders: (C. 1087) (திருப்பட்டங்கள்)

A priest cannot marry. If a priest attempts a marriage, it is invalid unless he has received a personal dispensation from the pope. In getting ordained, a priest voluntarily gives up the right to marry.

6) Public vows: (C.1192, 1& 1088) (பகிரங்க கற்பு வார்த்தைப்பாடு)

A religious brother or nun who has made a perpetual public vow of celibacy cannot marry unless dispensed from the impediment.

7) Abduction: (C. 1089) (பெண்கடத்தல்;)

If a woman is forcibly abducted, no valid marriage can take place. No dispensation will ever be given from this impediment. According to civil law 366 sections, 10 years of imprisonment is given for this act.

8) Crime: (C..1090) (கொலைக்குற்றம்;)

If a spouse is murdered to pave way for new marriage, then that new marriage is invalid. No dispensation will ever be given from this impediment.

9) Consanguinity: (C.. 1091)

Marriages of very close relatives are invalid unless a dispensation is given. A dispensation would not be given for a brother to marry his sister.

(i) Degrees of the direct line whether ascending or descending.

Ascending à Parents à Children à grand children

Descending à Children à Parents à grand parents

(ii) A brother and sister are related by consanguinity in the second degree

Marriage between brother and sister makes invalid.

(iii) 3rd degree

Uncle and Aunty are related by consanguinity in the Third degree

(தாய்மாமன் அக்கா மகள் அத்தை அண்ணன் மகன;)

(iv) 4th degree

First cousins are related by consanguinity in the Fourth degree.

(மாமன் மகள் அத்தை மகள்;)

Dispensation is given only for very grave reasons. C. 1091


10) Affinity (C. 1092)

A person cannot marry deceased partner’s parent, or child. No dispensation would be given.

11) De facto relatives: (C. 1093).

If couples live together, then neither of them may later marry the mother or daughter, father or son of the other person.

12) Adoption: C.1094)

A person may not marry an adopted son or daughter or brother or sister.

13) Force and fear (C.1103)

If a person is forced into marriage by someone else, even a parent against his or her will by means of serious threats, then the marriage is invalid.

14) Deceit : (C. 1098)

Hiding serious illness, Homosexual.

15) Ignorance:

a) Fidelity: (C. 1096)

Marriage is union between one man and woman with a vow of fidelity. If

a person has the intention of being unfaithful then the marriage is invalid.

b) Permanence:

Marriage is a permanent union. If a person intends only a trial marriage and the clear intention of going his or her own way whenever desired, the marriage is invalid.

16) Insanity:

If a person is so mentally ill as to be quite incapable of the logical thought necessary to consent to marriage, the marriage is invalid.

17) Simulation: (C.1101&1099)

Acting as he loves the partner.

18) Error of person/ Error about t he quality of the person (C.1097)

19) Condition (நிபந்தனைகள்;)

Marriage cannot be validly contracted subject to a condition concerning the future.

Ex. MCA.

canon law

nullity of the marriage

civil law



It is a sacrament between two baptized couples.

It is not a sacrament.


It is a covenant, permanent and sacramental union.

It is an agreement like. ஒப்பந்தம் பரஸ்பர ஒப்பந்தத்தால் பிரிந்துக் கொள்ளலாம்


No divorce at all

Divorce is available


Annulment can be given.

It makes the marrage is invalid. (செல்லா நிலையினதாக)

It makes void

(இல்லா நிலையினதாக)


C.1154 (ஜீவனாம்சம்இல்லை)

(ஜீவனாம்சம் உண்டு)


Degree of Nullity has the effects

It has no the effects.

The Divorced and Remarried:

Pastoral Care: Pope John Paul II has written:

Let these men and women know that the church loves them that she is not far from them and suffers because of their situation. The divorced and remarried are and remain her members because they have received baptism and retain their Christian faith.

Origins 26(1997)

Ø The divorced and remarried are not excluded from the pastoral care of the church.

Ø Pope John Paul II called on the pastors, especially parish priests, “with an open heart to guide and support these men and women, making them understand that even when they have broken the marriage bond they must not despair of the grace of God, who watches over their way”.

Origins 26(1997)

Mk 10: 11-12. 1Cor 7: 10-11. To those now married, however, I give this command( though it is not mine; it is Lord’s); a wife must not separate from her husband. If she does separate, she must either remain single or become reconciled to him again. Similarly, a husband must not divorce his wife”.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that, “divorce is not an injury against the covenant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the sign”.

In Familiaris Consortio Pope John Paul II says, “the divorced and remarried cannot be admitted to the holy communion because their state and condition of life objectively contradict that union of love between Christ and the church which is significanc3e and effected by the Eucharist.

In the post synodal Apostolic Exhortation “ Reconciliatio et Paenitentia” (1984) Pope John Paul II said, “ the church can only invite her child who find themselves in these painful situations to however through the sacrament of penance and Eucharist, until such time as they have the required dispositions”.

Page 11

In 1999 the congregation for the doctrine of the faith reaffirmed this teaching. It pointed out that the exclusion of the divorced and remarried from the Eucharist was not “a punishment or discrimination… but rather expresses an objective situation that of itself renders impossible the reception of Holy Communion”.

The situation of the divorced and remarried is often painful, but the Church, faithful to her understanding of her own nature as communion and of the implications of both the Eucharist and the sacrament of matrimony, is unable to compromise on fundamental principles.

The church is also bound to respect the nature of the Eucharist as the “Sacrament of Unity”. The church will accompany and encourage those who find themselves in difficulty and will help them to avail of other sources of grace until such time as they are able to receive Holy Communion.

In this way, the church attempts to be faithful both to its own teaching and to its task of embodying Christ who reaches out to heal the broken – hearted.

Stages of the procedure and jurisdiction:

1. You speak to an advocate whom you trust.

2. He advises you whether they appear to be grounds for a degree of nullity.

3. The advocate presents necessary documents with witnesses to the tribunal.

4. A Judge will be appointed to hear the case.

5. The Tribunal will ask your former husband or wife whether he or she agrees with or opposes a decree of nullity.

6. The evidence of the two parties to the marriage is taken separately.

7. The evidence of the witness nominated by the two parties is taken.

8. All evidence is made available in written form. The advocates and defender of the bond inform the judge whether they are satisfied or wish further evidence.

9. The judge decides whether further evidence is to be admitted.

10. The judge then declares that evidence is complete.

11. The advocate and defender prepare written submissions arguing their respective sides of the case.

12. The Judge gives a decision.

13. This decision is reviewed by a national tribunal of appeal. If necessary, further evidence can be taken at this stage.

13 Pg.

Since a decree of nullity means that a marriage was invalid from the beginning, does not it means that a person would then have no obligations at all towards a former partner and any children of the marriage?

X The union that existed created very real moral and legal obligations towards the partner any children born.

X If a person seeks to remarry after a decree of nullity, the church would insist on the fulfillment of obvious moral and legal obligations and would not allow a new marriage to take place in the Catholic Church unless they were being fulfilled up to that time.

X If there were doubts concerning the future, the church would insist on a solemn written promise in this regard from both parties to the new marriage.

X This element of moral judgment has to enter in base otherwise the Church could become a party to the immoral ignoring of serious obligations by allowing a wedding to be celebrated in the church which those obligations were being ignored.

The Christian Faith:

N.D. 1853

Pastors have the duty to remind these faithful that it does not mean that church does not take the heart the situation of the faithful but she is concerned to accompany them pastorally and invites in the measure.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

No: 2384: Divorce is also a grave offence against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the sign.

No: 2385. Divorce is immoral because it introduces disorder into the family and into society.

N: 1650: They cannot receive Eucharist as long as this situation persists. For the same reason, they cannot exercise certain ecclesial responsibilities. Reconciliation through the sacrament of penance can be granted only to those who have repented for having violated the sign of the covenant and of fidelity to Christ and who are committed to living in complete continence.

John Paul II in Familiaris Consortio ( The Christian Family in the Modern World) on 22 November, 1981, No: 84

I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced, and with solicitous care to make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the church, for as baptized persons they can, and indeed must, share in her life.

They should be encouraged

X To listen to the word of God

X To attend the sacrifice of the mass

X To persevere in prayer

X To contribute to works of Charity and

X To community efforts for justice

X To bring up their children in the Christian faith

X To cultivate the spirit and practice of penance and thus implore, day by day, God’s grace.

Let the Church

V Pray for them

V Encourage them

V And show herself a merciful mother

V And thus sustain them in faith and hope.

With firm confidence she believes that those who have rejected the Lord’s command and still living in this state will be able to obtain from God the grace of conversion and salvation, provided that they have preserved in prayer, penance and charity.

By acting in this way, the Church professes her own fidelity to Christ and to his truth. At the same time she shows motherly concern for these children of hers, especially those who, through no fault of their own, have been abandoned by their legitimate partner.

Albert Pushparaj

I Year Theology

Good Shepherd Seminary, Coimbatore

உலகினைப் படைத்த ஆண்டவரே

உலகினைப் படைத்த ஆண்டவரே
உம்மிடம் சரணடைந்தேன்
என் மனம் தருகின்ற காணிக்கையை
ஏற்றிட வேண்டுகிறேன் -2
கருணையின் இறைவா ஏற்பாயே
காலமெல்லாம் நலம் சேர்ப்பாயே -2
விலைமதிப்பில்லா கலப்படம் இல்லா
நறுமணத் தைலம் முழுமையாய் தந்தேன் -2
உள்ளத்தின் எண்ணம் அறிந்திடும் இறைவா
ஏழையின் அன்பை ஏற்றிடுவாய் -2
உன் எழில் பாதம் சரணடைந்தேன்
என் பிழையாவும் பொறுத்தருள் செய்வாய்

கோதுமை அப்பமும் திராட்சை இரசமும்
உம் மனம் விரும்பும் காணிக்கையன்றோ -2
கலைகளும் கல்வியும் திறமையும் யாவும்
அடுத்தவர் நலம் பெற கையளித்தேன் -2
ஆவியை என்னில் பொழிந்திடுவாய்
யாவரும் நலமுடன் வாழ்ந்திடச் செய்வாய்

தாயாக அன்பு செய்யும்

தாயாக அன்பு செய்யும் இறைவா அன் வாழ்விலே

தாயாக அன்பு செய்யும் என்னுயிர் நீதானய்யா
சேயாக நம்பி வந்தோம் வாழ்வில் ஒளியேற்றவா -2
கொஞ்சும் தமிழ் மொழிபேசி எனைத்தேற்றவே -2
பிஞ்சு நெஞ்சம் அழைக்குது வருவாய் தேவா
உன் அன்பு சாரலில் நனைந்தலே போதும்
இன்னல்கள் நீங்கிடுமே
உன் சுவாசக்காற்றில் கலந்தலே போதும்
விண்வாசல் அடைந்திடுவேன்
நான் என்றும் உன் சாயல் தானே
உன் கோவில் குடி கொள்ள நீ வா -2
தாயாக அன்பு செய்யும் என்னுயிர் நீதானய்யா

உன் பாச நரம்பில் இணைந்தாலே போதும்
சுகராகம் மிட்டிவேன்
உன் வார்த்தைகடலில் மிதந்தாலே போதும்
யுகம் பல படைத்திடுவேன்
எல்லாமே நீ பானே இறைவா
என் உள்ள தினைவாக நீ வா -2
தாயாக அன்பு செய்யும் என்னுயிர் நீதானய்யா

ஆயனைத் தேடும் ஆடுகளே

ஆயனைத் தேடும் ஆடுகளே
ஆயன் நம்மை தேடுகிறார் -2
சிதறிய சிறுமந்தை நாமே -2
சேர்ந்தே அவரிடம் செல்வோம்

சிறுமந்தையே சேர்ந்திடுவோம்
இறையாட்சியை அமைத்திடுவோம் -2
பசும்புல் மேய்ச்சலில் இளைப்பாற செய்வேன்
பாயும் நீர் அருவிக்கு நடத்தி செல்வேன் -2
நலிவுற்றதும் வலுவற்றதும்
களைப்புற்றதும் சோர்வுற்றதும்
நிலை வாழ்விலே நிலைபெற செய்வேன்
சிறுமந்தையே சேர்ந்திடுவோம்
இறையாட்சியை அமைத்திடுவோம் -2

பெரும்சுமை சுமர்ந்து சோர்ந்திருப்போரே
பணிவும் கனிவும் எனக்குண்டு -2
என சுமையோ எளிதானது என் நுகமும் எளிதானது
என்னிடம் பகின்று இளைப்பாற்றி காண்பீர்
சிறுமந்தையே சேர்ந்திடுவோம்
இறையாட்சியை அமைத்திடுவோம் -2

உலகினைப் படைத்த ஆண்டவரே

உலகினைப் படைத்த ஆண்டவரே
உம்மிடம் சரணடைந்தேன்
என் மனம் தருகின்ற காணிக்கையை
ஏற்றிட வேண்டுகிறேன் -2
கருணையின் இறைவா ஏற்பாயே
காலமெல்லாம் நலம் சேர்ப்பாயே -2
விலைமதிப்பில்லா கலப்படம் இல்லா
நறுமணத் தைலம் முழுமையாய் தந்தேன் -2
உள்ளத்தின் எண்ணம் அறிந்திடும் இறைவா
ஏழையின் அன்பை ஏற்றிடுவாய் -2
உன் எழில் பாதம் சரணடைந்தேன்
என் பிழையாவும் பொறுத்தருள் செய்வாய்

கோதுமை அப்பமும் திராட்சை இரசமும்
உம் மனம் விரும்பும் காணிக்கையன்றோ -2
கலைகளும் கல்வியும் திறமையும் யாவும்
அடுத்தவர் நலம் பெற கையளித்தேன் -2
ஆவியை என்னில் பொழிந்திடுவாய்
யாவரும் நலமுடன் வாழ்ந்திடச் செய்வாய்

லல்லா..லாலா லாலா Happy happy Christmas

லல்லா..லாலா லாலா
Happy happy Christmas
Merry merry Christmas

பாலன் இயேசு பிறந்துள்ளார் பூவுலகம் மகிழுதே -2
இறையாட்சி மலரட்டும் - நம்மில்
விடுதலை விடியட்டும் -2

மாட்டுத் தொழுவத்தில் பிறந்துள்ளார்
மனித உள்ளத்தில் மலர்ந்துள்ளார் -2
மனிதம் மலரட்டும் நம்மில் அமைதி பரவட்டும்
நீதி நிலைக்கட்டும் மனித ஒற்றுமை ஓங்கட்டும் -2

ஏழை மனித மனங்களில்
பாமரன் இயேசு பிறந்துள்ளார் -2
வறுமை அழியட்டும்
உணமை செழிக்கட்டும்
புது வாழ்வு பிறக்கட்டும்
புது உறவுகள் வளரட்டும் -2