உன்னை அறிந்தால்...Know Thyself

உன்னை அறிந்தால்...நீ உன்னை அறிந்தால்
உலகத்தில் போராடலாம்
உயர்ந்தாலும் தாழ்ந்தாலும்
தலை வணங்காமல் நீ வாழலாம்

மானம் பெரியது என்று வாழும் மனிதர்களை
மான் என்று சொல்வதில்லையா
தன்னை தானும் அறிந்து கொன்டு ஊருக்கும் சொல்பவர்கள்
தலைவர்கள் ஆவதில்லையா

பூமியில் நேராக வாழ்பவர் எல்லோரும்
சாமிக்கு நிகர் இல்லையா
பிறர் தேவை அறிந்து கொண்டு
வாரிக்கொடுப்பவர்கள் தெய்வத்தின் பிள்ளை இல்லையா

மாபெரும் சபையினில் நீ நடந்தால் - உனக்கு
மாலைகள் விழவேண்டும் - ஒரு
மாசு குறையாத மன்னவன் இவனென்று
போற்றிப் புகழ வேண்டும்

உன்னை அறிந்தால்...நீ உன்னை அறிந்தால்
உலகத்தில் போராடலாம்
உயர்ந்தாலும் தாழ்ந்தாலும்
தலை வணங்காமல் நீ வாழலாம்

Conversion is Reestablishment of Relationship

(Zacchaeus meeting Jesus)
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!
Everyone in this earth is in need of something. Some of us are in need of love; some others are in need of consolation; some are in want of wealth; some others of luxury. In the process of acquiring all these needs and wants, we terribly break our relationship with our fellow men. We try to acquire our requirements and amaze our richness at the cost of relationships. Today’s liturgy invites everyone of us to re-make such broken relationships, and to re-establish the order prevailed in the beginning.

The basic understanding of Sin is nothing but “breaking of relationship with God and with one another. We may say that we never intend to break away our relation with our God. But breaking the relationship with God is nothing but breaking our relation with our fellow human beings. For it is said, If I am not in good terms with my neighbour, I am not in relation with God. The so called ‘Original Sin’ is nothing but the sign of ‘broken relationship.” It is not just disobedience to the command and the commitment of the Lord, but it is a willful detachment from God, that express I do not belong to you any more.
Something similar we come across in today’s liturgy of the word. A man called Zacchaeus, the chief tax-collector has willfully broken his relationship with his people, and so naturally with God. He collects more tax what he is supposed to collect. Therefore he entitled to be a ‘sinner’ but what teaches us lesson is later part of the reading from this man Zacchaeus we can learn two distinct and important qualities.

1. His desire: to be re-united with God and fellow men.
2. His determination: in achieving his desire even at the cost of all his wealth.

1. His Desire
It is true he is a sinner. But there should have been a great longing deep down in his heart to be converted to the life of righteousness, and witness. He should have heard about the call of St.Matthew, the tax-collector. Therefore Zacchaeus should have been waiting for a chance to see “Who Jesus is?” He knows that Jesus is a man who accepts even the so called sinners. It might have created in him curiosity to see Jesus, for in spite of his wealth he was not accepted in the society. It is true with everyone of us. Even though we have broken our relationship with our fellow men, deep down of our heart we want to be re-united but do we proved to the next step like Zacchaeus?

2. His Determination
Like any one of us he has desire. But in spite of all the difficulties, humiliations, he proceeds in achieving his desire. He determines to see Jesus whatever may be the cost, he is a man disliked by all. Therefore, making use of the chance, in the crowd people would have given him much trouble. Even then he decides to climb the tree. Tree stands for “Life” in the Bible. For the fallen humanity was to be restored by cross made of a tree. As a result he receives life, salvation from Jesus.  Imagine, a rich official, climbing the tree when whole village is gathered around. Suddenly things get changed and the man disliked by all becomes the center of all attraction where in a new relationship is made between him and his master. And that relationship is more authenticated when he gives back his wealth to his people.

A sinner becomes a sign of salivified man. A disliked man becomes lovable witness to the Gospel. It is all because of his true desire and his determination, out of which a new life and new relationship is born. Coming to our life, it is true that all of us have desire but do we put up with the difficulties in achieving those desires.

Our loving God is always ready to accept us as he accepted Zacchaeus. But he expects from every one of us such true desire.  For, God who created us without our concent can not save us without our consent. Imagine, in front of God we are nothing. But He wants us to be saved. Because He truly loves all that exists. That is what we heard in first reading. He gives chances for our re-establishment of relationship. It is we who willingly go away from Him. Zacchaeus has made use of the chance. What about us? As our Lord passed through Jericho, today passes us through the Eucharist. Are we ready to manifest our desire to be re-united with him?  But such re-establishment can be made true only by remaking our love for our fellow brethren. Thus we can, like Zacchaeus, become a witness to the Gospel. It is true, such thing is not an easy task, we may come across so many opposition in and around us. But are we ready like St. Paul, who in spite of all the difficulties witnessed the Gospel he preached.  For him, it was of external opposition. But in re-making our relationship we may find, so many internal opposition like pride, selfishness, arrogance and superiority complex etc. Our Lord expects each one of us to break away with all these things and come forward to create a new-world of love and peace.
Bro.A.Susai Devanaesan.

Spirituality of Mary

Mary the woman of Faith and Prayer
A) Mary and Faith
  1. Faith of Mary is personal that she surrenders herself to God in perfect obedience of will. The whole person of Mary was involved in making an act of faith.
  2. Faith is not a result of her intellection. It is not hers, but faith is the fruit of God’s grace.
  3. Mary’s faith is free: It is not under pressure or compulsion she freely accepted God’s will.
  4. Assuring faith: Mary did not know her future. She trusted in the power of God’s word and was convinced that it is God who was acting in her. Faith led to the salvation of people through her son.
  5. Suffering Faith: Suffering makes Mary to have more faith. Because of the faith we can bear suffering.
  6. Communitarian: Mary’s faith is personal but not individualistic. It is the ecclesial faith. The faith of the Church is based on Mary’s faith

B) Mary and Prayer
A) Prayer
a)   Magnificate- prayer of praise
b)  At Cana-  prayer of petition
c)   At Cenacle (Upper room- at the time of Pentecost, she was in prayer (mental prayer)
B) Meditation
a)   Lk2:19 after the visit of the Shepherds
b)  After she found Jesus in the Temple.
Ø         Mary the Woman of Discipleship
·       Meaning of a disciple
Disciple is the one who disciplines himself or herself according to the rule of the master.
Mary as the disciple: Jesus called His disciple as this master, brother and sister. Disciple is the mother of Jesus but mother has become the disciple of Jesus.
·       Rule of the Master Jesus
One must hear word of God and do it.
·       Hearing the Word Of God:
Hearing means, ‘Submitting one’s will to the will of the other.’  Hearing means, giving up one’s will for the sake of the master’s will. (Spiritual Sacrifice) It means readiness to follow or to do God’s will. Doing the will of God in action namely to one’s neighbours.
Mary’s helping tendency (Charity)
 As a Christian we have to grow like this.
All these instances Jesus was with Mary. Mary put the will of God in action in and through Jesus. Therefore Mary did the will of God for the sake of Jesus, her Master. A disciple of Jesus is one who does the will of God in and through and for Jesus the master.

Mary the women of the Eucharist

(Ecclesia De Eucharistia No: 53-55)
Eucharistic Liturgy
a)               We are not sure If Mary was in the Eucharistic Celebration of our Lord (Lord’s Supper). Mary would have been definitely present when the apostles celebrated Eucharist.
b)  Jesus’ presence must be Distinguished,
                              i.            Natural made
                          ii.            Sacramental made
Ø Natural made is divided in to two
v Physical body –Jesus 33 years on earth
v Spiritual body –In heaven
Ø Sacramental made – Body on the Altar
Sacramental body would not be possible without physical body Mary would have thought apostles “Give Birth” to Jesus Sacramental body.  It is because she “gave birth” to Jesus Physical body. (e.g)Mary is like Pradeepa Patil (President) Apostles are like Monmohan Singh (Prime minister)
President has more dignity than the prime minister. The person who she gave birth physically is the same person who is made present Sacramentally. Eucharist is continuation or prolongation of incarnation.

c)   What would the Apostles have thought while celebrating the Eucharist?
At Cana Mary said, do what ever Jesus tells you. This command of Mary is of value not only at Cana in the Context of Wedding but for all people at all times. At the last supper Jesus said “do this in memory of me”. When the Apostles celebrated the Eucharist they obeyed not only the commandment of Jesus but ultimately the commandment of Mary.
d)  Mary said, “Amen” and received Jesus in her Womb. In the Same way we say ‘Amen’ And received the Same Jesus in the Eucharist.
e)   In the tabernacle there is the Sacramental Body of Jesus. In Mary there was Physical body of Jesus. Same person but in different modes. Mary’s visit to the Elizabeth is the first Eucharistic procession.
Ø Mary in Relation to Jesus Christ
Popularity of Mary: Mary is the only world-wide known saint. Most of shrines are dedicated to Mary. Most of the Pilgrimages are made to Mary. To Mary prayers are addressed (Rosary). Most of the Catholics are named after Mary. Mary is presented as an embodiment of all virtues. Model for every virtue.
Ø Mary as Mother
    Physical motherhood: Angel addressed Mary- Full of Grace (From above)
    Elizabeth addressed Mary – Full of Faith (human point of view). 
That saviour who would be born, is the revelation of God. Mary said, “YES” to the revelation. That is faith. This Faith itself is a result of Grace.
There is a movement within Mary from God to God,  (Everything comes from God and goes to God).
Ø Spiritual Motherhood: (Mt12:48)
Anyone who does will of god is Jesus mother. Mary is mother of Jesus in the Spiritual sense because she did the will of God. As disciple of Jesus, Mary is the mother of Jesus. Mary alone is mother of Jesus physically and Spiritually. While Mary alone is mother of Jesus Physically, all His disciples can be mother of Jesus Spiritually. Spiritual motherhood from proceeds physical motherhood. Mary conceived word of God in Her heart before she conceived him in her womb (St. Augustine). Only in Mary spiritual motherhood culminated in physical motherhood. First Mary received created grace (Sanctifying grace) that is Immaculate Conception of Mary (Spiritual mother) Then Mary received uncreated grace (God himself). When? At the virginal conception of Jesus.
Mary as the Woman
God had plan of salvation in all eternity. This plan was executed in history. In this plan a woman played a major role and her role is related to Jesus and the Church because in them Salvation is or was realized.

Three levels of Salvation History

A.  Beginning of time:
Salvation is promised. In Gen3:15 there is a mention of a woman. This woman would play a major role in Salvation.(Already foretold)
B.  Fullness of Time
Salvation is realized in two stages
a.    Cana
b.   Calvary
A. Cana
Jesus began the work of Salvation, at that time Jesus addressed Mary as ‘woman.’  Why? Jesus pointed out the Mary is the Woman who was mentioned at the beginning of History. Jesus’ hour neither has come nor yet come. That hour of giving wine not yet come. Here wine referred to Salvation. As a preparation of Salvation, Jesus gave real wine. Wedding party who was in need of wine stands for the entire humanity. Who is in need of salvation? Here Mary is mother of mankind. Hereafter Mary is stands for mother of mankind.
c.    Calvary (Jn 19:26)
d.   Complete the end of Salvation. Hour of giving wine has come. Mary was there. Here Jesus addressed Mary as Woman. St. John stands for all the disciples of Jesus. Church is the redeemed Community. Therefore Mary becomes mother of the Church.
·       End of time
In Rev 12th Chapter we read, St. John had a vision of the “woman” in glory. Here woman is Mary in God. This woman is the Church that will be glorified. Here Mary stands for the glorified church. Mary identified with victorious church.
Mary as the New Eve
St. Paul Said in his letter to the Romans 5:12 Sin, and  death came from one man Adam - Earth, and in the same chapter he said grace and life came from man, Jesus - Heaven (Rom 5:17)
Beginning of History
Adam brought sin and death
A woman was very significant as a symbol of disobedience
New beginning of History
Jesus brought grace life. 
Therefore Jesus is called new Adam
A woman was a significant as a symbol of obedience.
Mary – New Eve.
Therefore Mary is reversal of Eve (EVA=AVE)
Mary as mother is related to the person of Jesus Christ
Mary as the woman is related to the Slavonic Action of Christ.
Bro.  A William.

பொன் மொழிகள்

  1. கடந்தவை இறைவனின் இரக்கத்திலும், நிகழ்பவை இறைவனின் அன்பிற்கும், வருபவை இறைவனின் பராமரிப்பிற்கும் உரியவை – புனித அகுஸ்தினார்.
  2. துறவி தேனியைப் போல், நற்பண்புகளை சேகரிக்க வேண்டும் - புனித அந்தோணியார். 
  3. நம் ஆன்மாக்கள் கடவுளுடையவை, ஒரு போதும் அவை அலகையின் உடமையல்ல – புனித செபஸ்தியார். 
  4. அன்பில்லாமல் பேசப்படும் உண்மையைவிட அமைதியே மேலானது – புனித சலேசியார். 
  5. உன்னால் இயன்றதைச் செய், கடவுளும் அன்னை மரியும் மற்றனைத்தும் செய்து விடுவர் - புனித ஜான் போஸ்கோ. 
  6. நம்மை அழைத்தவரின் விருப்பத்தைவிட , நடக்க தகுந்த பாதை உண்டோ? – புனித அருளானந்தர்.
  7. ஆண்டவரே நமது இரகசிய சக்தி, திருத்தூதர்களை பெந்தகோஸ்தே நாளில் திடப்படுத்தியது போல் நம்மையும் திடப்படுத்துவார் - திருத்தந்தை இரண்டாம் ஜான் பால் 
  8. வாழ்வில் நிகழ்வன அனைத்திலும் அதை தாங்கும் சக்தி அடங்கியுள்ளது. – அன்னை தெரசா 
  9. உன் மகிழ்வின் அளவு உன் மனதில் இருக்கிறது – அபிரகாம் லிங்கன்
  10. கடவுளுடன் கொள்ளும் ஒப்புரவு மற்ற உறவனைத்தையும் புதுப்பிக்கிறது - திருத்தந்தை இரண்டாம் ஜான் பால்

சகோ. ஞா. எடிசன் சின்னப்பன்

Mary in Revelation to the Church

Mary of the Prototype of the Church
a.       Pilgrimage of Faith
Israel made a journey (pilgrimage) from Egypt to Cana. At this journey two things were there.
1. External-from  one place to another.
2. internal-from lesser faith to great faith
Church is the new Israel. So church is also making a journey pilgrim church.
Here also two things
1. external-spreading of faith from  one place to another
2. internal-depending on  faith (growth from within)

Certain stages of the devolvement of this concept
a)              Creation: the Spirit of God hovered over the water. Light came first-that marked the beginning of creation.
b)              annunciation: Holy Spirit overshadows Mary. Jesus the light of the world conceived- that marked the beginning of new creation.
c)               Calvary: Jesus gave up the spirit (Jn: 19:30) there was born symbolically the Church. Water and blood are flowing from the side of Jesus. Water stands for Baptism and blood stands for Eucharist. Baptism and Eucharist are the most fundamental sacraments of the Church. As Eve came from the side of Adam when he asleep, Church came from the side of Jesus while he was deep sleep. Therefore the church is the bride of Jesus. There, Mary presented Jesus in the church.
d)              Pentecost: The Spirit of God descended. That marks the beginning of the Church. There Mary was present. Now church started its journey of faith. It is the faith of Mary that apostles proclaimed. Mary does not appear anymore in New Testament. The church started its pilgrimage of faith. Where Mary left, the Church took in. The faith of the church is nothing but Mary’s faith is the beginning or basis of the faith of the church. As Mary accompanied Jesus in his life–time so Mary would accompany the Church.
Mary as Virgin Mother
1. Mary is Virgin
That is faith to God and decided to God. At the same time Mary is the mother because he gave birth to Jesus. Like Mary, church is also virgin and mother.
Virgin-faithful to Christ
Mother-he gave birth to children of God through Baptism.
What is said of Mary is said of the church. Therefore Mary is the proto-type of the church.
2. Mary is the Member of the Church
Through Mary is the Mother of God (highest in dignity among the creatures).  She is the member of the church. Why? She was also redeemed by God. What is the church? Church is the community of the redeemed. However Mary is the pre-eminent member of the church because she was redeemed in a prominent manner.
3. Mary is the mother of the church:
Jesus is the head
Church is the body
Mary is the mother of Jesus the head. Therefore Mary is the mother of his church the body. It means, mother of the head is also mother of the body. May blessed Mother Mary, lead us in her own way.
Bro. Emmanuvel

அடுத்தவன் கண்ணீரில் வாழ்பவனும்
டாஸ்மார்க் தண்ணீரில் வாழ்பவனும்
இறக்கை இல்லா பறவைப் போல,
பறப்பதைப் போன்று இருந்தாலும்
படுத்தே கிடக்கிறான்…

சகோ. ஜஸ்டின் பிரதீப்