Environmental restoration

Nature has taken 600 million years to develop the environment as it exists today but man in barely one million years of his existence, has brought about such changes which threaten the very existence of a healthy environment. The earth has experienced and recovered from many natural disasters in the past, but we now seem to be at a critical point, with humans facing responsibility for the future of the planet. Issues concerning environment now not only worry scientists but statesmen, rulers and general public as well. Here my concern too falls under the category of environmental restoration-from analyzing the problems in general and bringing possible solutions to restore a healthy and vibrant environment. 
Man – an agent of his own destruction
Man lives a life of comfort and luxury which requires additional resources. The activity of modern man has slowly been degrading the quality of global environment. Two major aspects we can see as degradation. (i) Over-exploitation of natural resources (ii) polluting the environment. On the other hand, man had learned to tackle complex problems through his in genuine brain which is selfish. Indiscriminate use of some substances and developed devices can be hazardous to the entire humanity of this planet. E.g. Hazardous chemicals, misuse of biotechnology and nuclear dilemma. These are capable of bringing about enormous amount of damage to the environment and to human.   

Towards sustainable development
Both developed and under developed countries are injurious to the life supporting system of this planet. We are in need to build a sustainable world- a world which should last forever. If we maintain fair sharing of global resources and availability of basic requirements of everyday life to everyone – food clothing, drinking water, shelter, there could be no damage to other life –forms and environment. Satisfactory information is that the resources of this world, if properly managed, distributed and utilized economically, are sufficient for all living beings- as the environment stands today. It is a global issue which forces us to think as to where we are going? It is high time for us that we should rethink and take proper steps to build up a world of permanence- a sustainable society which lasts forever. If is not the question of locality or wild life or deforestation or pollution, but it is crisis about the developmental pattern which we have followed so far.

Care for creation – a responsibility
We cannot expect people to act in appropriate way without awareness of the problems, its causes, the impact on our daily life and the long range of consequences. Many problems concerning environment and biosphere are simply there because so many people contribute little bits and pieces to it, all of which put together assume enormous damage. A little effort, a little care for creation exercised by each individual in the society could eliminate the entire problem.
Caring – an authentic ethic of responsibility to environment
This caring nature can be easily imposed on people through environmental education. This education fosters a positive pattern of conduct towards environment. A number of damaging activities can be stopped simply by providing adequate understanding of the environmental degradation. This understanding must become an ethic or norm of human being responsibly coming forward to protect the mother earth-our home. Motivating people to conserve resources, protecting environment and avoiding extravagant usage of resources can be overcome by our caring for creation. 

Kirubakaran A.
I Year Theology
Papal Seminary, Pune

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